When you were a kid, where was your secret space?
Did you hide in your closet, or under your bed? Did you have a tree house or fort, filled with adventure and spiders? Did you take a flashlight under your covers, and set sail on your bed/boat across the vast ocean of carpet?
Finding secret and safe spaces seemed easier as a child. The requirements weren’t rigid; only the rules we created applied.
As a child, maybe the monsters were more obvious; perhaps we were just less aware of the dangers. Maybe we just didn’t worry as much; maybe we just didn’t take things so seriously.
What made a space safe wasn’t due to solid craftsmanship, immaculate cleanliness, or the construction budget. Only a few things were required to make a space safe:
A space that feels warm and cozy, to our skin and our soul – be it tucked under blankets or soaking up the sun and fresh air. A safe space brings us comfort and security.
A cruelty-free zone, filled only with love and acceptance, laughter, imagination, and delight. Not many people are allowed here, nor are thoughts of negativity or comparison.
Free from Fear
Monsters and worries are not permitted in this space. There is nothing to fear in this space, and nothing is allowed to harm you.
As adults, it might be a little harder to find them, but we still need to make efforts to find those safe space – to create those safe spaces.
And what makes a space safe is the same for us now as it was for us then. Do you have somewhere comfortable and friendly? Do you have a place to sit with freedom from fear? Do you know how to create such a place when you need one?
I encourage you today to create your space. To take things a little less seriously. To let go of the monsters. Because we need those spaces of safety, we need those times of comfort, and we need those moments of healing freedom.
Take a blanket out into the sun. Listen to nature sing of freedom and joy. Climb under the blankets with a flashlight. Sail your bed-boat across those vast oceans, so when the monsters rise up out of murky waters, you have strength and energy to defeat them.
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