Tag Archives: reflection


Stretch photo by Alvimann MorguefileStretch.  

(v) verb. to straighten or extend one’s body or a part of one’s body to its full length, typically so as to tighten one’s muscles or in order to reach something.
(definition source: google)

We stretch.
We reach.
We strive.
We grow.

What we don’t often realize, is that we are doing it every day.

stretching, changing


You are stretching, growing, changing.

What stretch are you feeling today?


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Nurturing Friendships

writing to a friendI wrote a letter today to a dear friend.  A real letter – an honest-to-goodness, paper-and-pencil, carve-out-time, find-space-on-my-desk letter.

And it felt wonderful.

When, and more importantly, why, did I stop writing letters?

I loved the thoughtful nature of the activity. I had to sit and think about what to say next, think of what I should ask her, and ponder what news she would like to hear from me.

I loved the feeling of the paper sliding under my hand, the weight of the pen.  No plastic keyboard, no clicking (and sticking) space bar.

I even loved the slight cramp in my fingers that came from a “new” position and use.  The muscle memory was weak, yet the memory remains.

nurture quality friendshipsAnd doing this activity made me think about all that we do to feed our friendships, to nurture each other, encourage each other, and support each other.

But sometimes “life” gets in the way.  Do you remember the last time you picked up a pen (or clicked a keyboard) and sent a note out to encourage a special friend?  I’m guessing there is at least one that needs to hear from you.

Today was my day to stop letting life get in the way, and take a few moments to say “hello dear friend, I’m thinking of you, loving you.”

Maybe today
will be your day too.

Speaking of writing…

Just published!

And now available on Amazon.com

Know My Worth JournalKnow My Worth Poem and Prayer Journal

Several of my original poems and prayers are scattered through this journal, surrounded by beautifully-framed lined pages for your own personal reflection time.

Includes affirmations and motivations around themes such as Self Worth, Confidence, Self-Care, and Faith.

I do hope you love it! It’s the perfect size to tuck into a purse or nightstand, and a wonderful gift for someone you love.


My favorite color is October Ahh… autumn.
This has always been my favorite time of year, and now that I’m in the Pacific Northwest (as I’m learning to call it), the magic seems just a little bit richer, a little more tangible.

Leaves are changing,
the air is getting sharp,
the squirrels scurry with urgency.

My nose is most often cold now,
but I get to wear cozy clothes
snuggle deeply into blankets
and drink lots of tea.Design Peaceful Moments

But for me, the autumn is about even more than the beauty that surrounds me.

Maybe it’s those squirrels, but there is an energy this time of year that feeds creativity.
It’s an energy of getting ready.  It’s about being in this moment, yet also preparing for what comes next.

Change your Thoughts...I’m guessing you feel it too.

And to me, it’s a message. A message about paying attention to what’s going on around me, as well as what’s going on in my mind.

Being aware.  And as we get ready for our next big thing, remembering to enjoy the little things along way too.

To see the beauty around us.

To design peaceful moments.
To get ready.
To live life fully.

Thanks for reading – bless your week!

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