The month of love
Have you decided how you will tell those you love how much they mean to you?
Fancy gifts and expensive presents aren’t always needed – sometimes just a heartfelt note means more, is more deeply remembered and cherished, and brings joy for weeks to come!
So my gift this month to folks on my email list (and I suppose to any others who have found this page!) 🙂 is a little collection of LOVE NOTE cards, created by me, for you!  Each image is clickable to a larger postcard – they look even better full size – then just right-click and save/print the image.
I haven’t added my logo to these – because I want them to be from YOU.
Don’t forget to add your own words to this last one! 🙂
No matter how you do it, and really, no matter what time of year, let your loved ones know just how very precious they are to you.
Every day. Any day. Today.
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